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December 16, 2008

How secure it is our internet ???

Adakah anda pernah bertanya pd diri sendiri… awal kemunculan WWW, Wrld WIde Web or also known as INTERNET… bermacam-macam mitos yg kuar… jgn awt internet transaction.. nt akaun kene hijack… jgn bg personal detail online, berbahaya and much more… actually… kalo nk tk secure or not… perhatikan bebaik URL if https://… mean ader encryption and secure a bit drpd http://… shj.

sdg mensurfingkan diri… terjumpa plak satu artikel psl phorm… actually phorm ni satu company di UK yg membuat kajian atas perangai surfer internet… dia akan kaji based on history pd browser… xtau le camner kejenyer… tp dia akan inject kt browser soome sort of bug… yg akan feed company dgn input tentang behaviour surfer… tujuan dia ahnyalah untuk membuat iklan yg sesuai kepada si surfer nie… kalo dia byk surf pasl buku… ofcourse iklan buku akan dpt byk kt dia… if korg perasan or not.. kdgkala kita dpt email yg ntah apa-apa a.k.a spam… maybe one fo those… who knows

founder Internet pun membantah sebab pada dia itu hak dia. if dia nak history psl surfer nie, dia kena negotiate. also dia dh breech Data Protection act of 1998 (c29)

nk tau detail psl phorm tgk sini artikel 1 and this one definisi phorm

maybe a bit late… but better know than nothing…

happy surfing

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